hudson’s nursery progress

Since there’s been radio silence around here for a while, I thought I owed it to some of you to at least show you some of what we’ve been working on. You may remember that Hudson was living it up in a Pack n’ Play at the foot of our bed for the first 8ish months of his life, but we eventually got our acts together, and now the little man has a bona fide space of his own.

Just to jog your memory, here’s what we started with:



Nice, right? I mean, what little boy wouldn’t love moldy floral wallpaper and zillions of electrical cords? The blue office carpeting was also especially cozy.

Obviously, the wall situation needed to be addressed. We started by paying a friend’s high school son to rip down the wallpaper (we were in the middle of a million other projects, and had our fill of wallpaper removal at our last house). Also, given the fact that we really wanted to get the mold situation taken care of correctly, we decided to have this room professionally painted. We went with Sherwin Williams’ Westhighland White, which is also our trim color. I love that it’s a really crisp white. I wanted something clean and bright for this room, and this color worked out perfectly.

When I was putting a plan together for the nursery, I kept coming back to primary colors (stay with me here, I don’t mean I was going for a McDonalds playspace look). While I’ve seen tons of sweet boys rooms done in softer tones, the rest of our house has plenty of white, gray, and light blue, and I loved the idea of making Hudson’s room unique. The fun thing about bedrooms is they don’t necessarily have to “go” with the rest of the house, so they’re a great opportunity to try something different. So, here’s where we are now:

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027 032We love that all the bedrooms in this house are extra big, and since it’s right off our main living area, we can use Hudson’s room like a playroom. We have had so much fun with him in here already! As always, there are still a few things to do (closet  doors?), but the peanut doesn’t seem to mind. I’ll share a few close-ups and give you the details in  the next post.