living room details, part 1

Now that you’ve seen the current state of our living room, here are the details (just like the kitchen post, I’ve already covered some of these things, but I’m listing it all here just to simplify things).


Walls- Benjamin Moore Dove Wing

Trim- Sherwin Williams Westhighland White

(Here’s a link to the paint post.)

083Couches: Pottery Barn Basic (via Craigslist)

From our first visit to this house, I knew that I would want parallel couches for the living room. I loved the sectional we used in our former living room, but the windows, fireplace, and entrance to this room wouldn’t really allow for the l-shape to function well. We still had the PB Basic sofa from our previous fireplace room, so I started to search Craigslist hoping to find a match (I wasn’t worried about the slipcover since I could just switch it out).

I found this one the weekend before Hudson was born. Zach and I drove to Durham the day after my due date to pick it up, and we stored it in some friends’ garage while we waited to close on the house. It ended up being perfect, because we were able to use it in the basement while all of our other stuff was still in storage. The only issue left to solve was the mismatched slipcovers.

When my dad got married this summer and he and moved into his wife’s house, they generously offered us lots of furniture. He had the same couch (which we found for him on Craigslist a while ago) with a tan slipcover (which I preferred over the white given the addition of a certain little man to this household).

Long story short(ish), we sold the white couch and moved my dad’s couch into the living room. The two slipcovers aren’t the same (one is the Brushed Canvas in Walnut and I think the other is Twill in either Walnut or Caramel), but it’s really hard to tell the difference. I would love to one day switch them out for something a little bit lighter, but that is definitely not a priority right now.

As far as my review of these couches goes, I’m a huge fan. I’ve run the slipcovers through the wash on multiple occasions, and it’s such a nice feeling to be able to freshen things up that way. They’re really comfortable, and seem to be holding up well.

To avoid making you read a short novel this afternoon, I’ll share more details in another post!

sometimes i think my heart might explode

Please be advised: sappy mom post where I talk about how fast my baby is growing and how much I love him coming up. Ok, consider yourselves warned.

The one year mark is just a little over a month away, and it’s so hard to believe. Thankfully, as much as I reminisce about the newborn stage, I really do love each new stage as much as (or more than) the last. Hudson is into everything these days, and is definitely understanding how to play. He makes us laugh all the time, and some days it feels like Zach and I are just on one big baby high. (Lest you think it’s all utopia around here, let me also add that some nights we have found ourselves yelling,“Why can’t you just go to SLEEP?”, or wondering how many times we will have to pry him off of the trashcan/vacuum/ dishwasher before he learns, so please be assured that our little world is far from perfect- its just way more fun to blog about the cute stuff.)

We are loving seeing little bits of his personality emerge. Although he usually goes into serious mode whenever we get the camera out, we managed to get a couple of fun videos recently (ok, the first video is from over a month ago… maybe I’m extending the scope of “recently”). Nothing too exciting- really just daily life stuff, but we love watching this little guy grow, and hopefully they’ll make you smile!

This first one’s a little bit blurry, but it shows one of the little man’s favorite games as of late- hide and go seek underneath the dining room table. :)

This one shows you some of the baby babble that’s been going on around here recently. Favorite “words” these days are zaza (Zoe) and dada (of course). Seriously, I wish I could bottle this voice:

And finally, someone clearly loves his bath: