A Chill is in the Air

Perfect time to cuddle up inside! Since I don’t have any major pictures to post of the house right now, I thought I’d share a few close-ups of the quilt I made this summer. I know it’s been in a few posts already, but I wanted to share the final product. The photos that inspired my quilt featured a quilt blanketed across a chair outside, and I thought that it looked so cute and cozy that I might as well give it a try. I really enjoyed this project and hope to make another one soon! (and by soon I mean after I get some of the house “to-dos” crossed off my list- we’re not really short on projects around here!)

 Quilt 003

Quilt 004


Quilt 010Quilt 006

Oh, Hey Fall

I love fall. But then again, who doesn’t? Take Goldilocks, for example. Did she choose the porridge that was blazing hot and left her hair a frizzy mess for three months straight? Nope, not that one. Or the bowl that was so freezing cold that she didn’t regain feeling in her extremities until March? Not that one either. She chose the one that was juuust right. Thus, humanity’s love for fall. Deep philosophy, I know.

In celebration of a season that’s just right, here are a few things I’ve been loving lately:


Farmers' market flowers from my fantastic husband

Farmers' market flowers from my fantastic husband

Apples- I love how many different kinds there are!

Apples- I love how many different kinds there are!

Pecan pie- Grandma's recipe.

Pecan pie- Grandma's recipe.

Not pictured in this post: Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks. I’m not really a coffee drinker, but those little guys are like fall in a cup. So great. I would have taken a picture, but of course my husband threw my cup away (because for some crazy reason he didn’t know that I would of course be saving my trash to take a picture of its fall festiveness).
So much to love. Happy Fall- have fun celebrating!